Medical doctors use app to help smokers quit cigarettes

How ByeGwaai Works

We believe that using a comprehensive approach to help you quit smoking is the best method for kicking smoking in the butt.

So we created South Africa's first app-based smoking cessation program, utilising psychological, behavioural, technological and medical techniques to help you retake control of your smoking habits.

byegwaai quit smoking app dashboard

Our program follows a simple, 3-step approach to quitting smoking:

🟡 Understand your personal relationship with smoking.
🟡 Plan your approach to quitting smoking.
🟡 Execute your plan to quit smoking.

Our app guides you, step-by-step, through the most important activities to complete and habits to track to understand your smoking behaviour and quit with confidence.

Use your behavioural data, through weekly reports and personalised metrics, to empower you to quit smoking once and for all.

Our doctors will guide you through the quitting process through telemedicine consultations and can facilitate access to a variety of pharmaceutical cessation aids, should you wish to use them.

byegwaai quit smoking app milestones
byegwaai quit smoking app method

Our Multi-Modal Approach Model is comprised of five main methods:

🟡 Social support
🟡 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
🟡 Telehealth consultations
🟡 Habit tracking & personalised reports
🟡 Smoking cessation aids/medications

Take Our Free
Smoking Assessment

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Available on your favourite app stores.


Get the ByeGwaai app now.

Available on your favourite app stores.
